No Set-up Fee The first monthly fee is the only payment you have to make when you order a VPS. We do not charge you for setting up your VPS.
1-hour Account Activation We know how important it is start using your Virtual Private Server as soon as possible and that is why we will set it up within the hour - the maximum time needed for proper configuration of your VPS.
99.9 % Service Uptime Guarantee As always we guarantee 99.9% uptime and stable operation of the main machine for your VPS.
24/7 Technical Support For Pre-installed Software Our professional technicians are available for you 24/7 to assist you with any applications that come pre-installed with the Virtual Pivate Server. All you have to do is open a trouble ticket from the VPS Plan Manager and you will get a reply within the hour.
Domain Name Registration / Transfer You need a domain name for your VPS and if you do not have one yet, you can register it with us. If you have an existing domain you can also transfer the domain registration to our registrar so you have them all under one roof.
Monthly Price VPS packages are paid monthly and this is the only fee you must pay in order to have your Virtual Private Server set up.
Data Storage This feature shows how much data you can upload on your Virtual Private Server and you can use that for any type of file that you wish - text documents, images, html and other web files, etc.
20 GB
40 GB
80 GB
160 GB
320 GB
480 GB
Data Transfer This features shows the amount of data you can transfer to and from the VPS each month and that includes uploading any files and opening the websites hosted on the VPS.
1 TB
2 TB
4 TB
5 TB
6 TB
7 TB
RAM This feature indicates the amount of RAM that is guaranteed to be at your disposal at all times regardless of how much RAM other users on the VPS server are using.